Monday, August 4, 2008

First ONE: "the train it is,..."

"Should we go with the gruesome farm accident, semi-truck/car pileup, or the 12-yr-old run over by the train?  The train it is."

It was an ad for North Memorial trauma center featuring a little boy, Brian, who's legs were reattached after he was hit by a train.  We started with a photo that is hard to look at and harder still to look away from, and the line, "This is a true story."  Our first Gold Pencil.

-Jac Coverdale(Clarity Coverdale Fury) 

Jac represents work that gets right to the point, stays in your mind, and makes you think. Representing Clarity Coverdale Fury with strong work, he remains a classic example of winning by reinventing ideas that are generally difficult to think about.

1 comment:

Laura Novack said...

That's very real. It's nice to see reality win even when it's depressing. It really breaks up the long stretches of either fashionable or comic campaigns.