Thursday, August 28, 2008

One Show: Design Student

I entered two logo designs.  One was the design I had chosen, and the other was my instructor's favorite pick.  They were both in the final, the one I chose won the pencil.  At the ceremony my instructor told me that I should always listen to my instincts when it comes to representing my work.

"I entered the One Show Competition as part of an assignment, not really knowing the significance of receiving a One Show Pencil or even thinking that I could win.  For the competition i had designed six logos from which two were really strong.  After discussing with Nancy Rice (my instructor and mentor) which one to send, she encouraged me to enter both since we each had our favorite one.  Getting the first email that both entries were in the final was exciting, but receiving the pencil for the one I felt most strongly about was something I'll never forget.  At the ceremony Nancy's words to me were, "Aren't you glad you listened to your instincts and sent both?!"  Yes, I am... only that sometimes it takes a pencil to know that for sure.  As creatives we are used to being extremely critical of work, thinking we can always do better.  Receiving my first ONE was like doing everything you've ever done or learned for the first time, only all at once. 

-Boriana Mintcheva-Strzok


MoCo said...

Interesting site but what is your blog about? business? your company? your club?

OneShow said...

Hey Moco,

This site is about showcasing the experience of winning your first ONE Show Pencil. These stories are being shared because the president of the ONE Club (Kevin Swanepoel) is coming to speak at MCAD on September 10th at 7pm about what it takes to make it in the design industry during this changing time. Here we've show cased an example from every category that has helped to pioneer the Advertising and Design industry.